
The Incredible Machine started a feasibility study into a new implementation of Rekeningrijden, using FFMI (Far Field Magnetic Induction) technology and encryption for safe data sharing. A broad market analysis and iterative product design phase lead to PaySo: a little device with the resemblance of a bank card is easily installed in the car, keeping track of road usage without tracking and storing data. PaySo uses clever encryption and FFMI technology to bring RekeningRijden, which will be managed by the Belastingdienst, to the 21st century – that means keeping it away from surveillance possibilities.

New technological possibilities have changed tremendously since Rekeningrijden was first announced, back in the late 80s. With it being back on the political agenda, challenges emerge of implementing the system in the wicked context its situated in. This data-driven complex challenge involved creating a UX-flow of the system as well as the designing of the physical model.

As PaySo will be implemented for such a large target group, there is a method of paying for road use available for every kind of user, regardless of age, tech- savviness. Owning a smartphone is not even obliged.
If no action is taken, no data will be shared and an estimate of your usage will be transferred from your bank account via automatic collection.

Comparable to an OV-chip card, PaySo can be scanned at locations such as gas stations to share the encrypted data with the tax authorities, automatically transferring the money.

The encrypted version of your data can be transformed in the app to gain full insights or shared directly with the tax authorities. Within the app, the user has the option to login with DigID, load the data from the display by scanning using Bluetooth and using a public database to transform the encrypted data to see what the corresponding locations were, to validate the data. When checked and validated, you can share only the encrypted version of the data with the tax authorities to pay your road taxes.